Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ingrown toe nail

One month ago on a saturday, Adrien used the YoungLiving Lavender essential oil on her ingrown toe nail that was inflammed and has pus inside. After removing the plaster, she put a couple of drops of Lavender into the problem area. The following night, she called me and said the inflammation in the toe is gone and is not painful.

She continued to put lavender over the problem area. The pus is gone and she toe is healed. Yesterday, I saw Adrien and she no longer has problem with the ingrown toe nail and also she sleeps well using the lavender oil.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Peppermint Essential Oil - A better choice

In early July, I heard on radio an american lady talked about taking herbal medicine versus pharmaceutical drugs. She highlighted cases that many americans take paracetamol (over here, we commonly called Panadol and the likes) excessively and resulted in liver poisoning

Of course we all heard before that we cannot consume paracetamol excessively. Out of curiosity I googled "poisoning from paracetamol" and found one such article from UK medical website.

Am I glad that I have a better alternative. Using the therapeutic grade Peppermint essential oil from Young Living. I am not advocating that people under supervised medication should not take paracetamol but for most of us who have conveniently taken the widely available panadol for the slightest thing, a healthy alternative is available - just a drop on your palm and spread the oil on the temple of the head; rub over the wrist; breathe in the vapor. You will feel so refreshed.

Some people are curious as to why YL therapeutic grade oils can be applied and can be ingested. You can see that the supplement facts on the 15ml bottle when you peel the label out. I have taken pictures. Items that can be ingested or eaten and FDA approved has the supplement facts. Due to size constraint, you may not see the supplement facts on 5ml bottles.

Peppermint                            Thieves

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thieves oil - catch bacteria. Nice catch

Ellyna used the THIEVES oil in a couple of situations and shared with me.
1.     She has found out that after she put a couple of Thieves essential oil into the Ningxia Red and drinks it in the morning, her body has been able to withstand the onslaught of chemicals when the periodic mosqutio fogging operation took place. In the past, her body would act up, and sinus like condition would appear. It could be quite bad and would affect her the whole day. Now, she feels that her body's ability to withstand such environmental pollution has improved. Using the Thieves and Raven oils, she recovered very fast. That enable her to focus on her work.

2.     Ellyna chatted with a friend whose mother was unwell. When she was there, Ellyna felt that she was getting headache from a sick person. Again, rubbing the thieves oil on the feet and breathing the oil, she felt relieve very quickly. The headache was gone.

In another separate case, a person appear to be feeling unwell. After applying Thieves oil on the feet and then drinking water with a couple of drops of Thieves oil in it, she recovered very quickly and could feel the warm sensation coming from the feet.

So what is the Thieves oil?
History of Thieves

Young Living’s Thieves essential oil blend was created based on the historical account of four thieves in France who protected themselves from the Black Plague with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing victims of the killer disease. When captured, they were offered a lighter sentence in exchange for their secret recipe. Young Living’s proprietary Thieves oil blend includes clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, and Eucalyptus radiata and has been specially blended to offer the same kind of defense. Thieves has been university tested and found to be highly effective against airborne bacteria.

Studies conducted at Weber State University in 1997 showed a 99.3% kill rate against the airborne microorganism, micrococcus luteus after diffusing for 20 minutes!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Big savings with 1 oz (30ml) of Ningxia Red versus grocery bills

The antioxidant potency of Ningxia Red is so strong that drinking one ounce every day infuses the body with more free radical defenses than could be consumed through diet alone.

One ounce of Ningxia Red has the same antioxidant level as any one of the following:

34 large onions
100 oranges
814 blueberries
22 medium carrots
10.85 pounds of spinach
55.33 pounds of almonds
59 broccoli florets
73 medium strawberries
93 apples
130 tomatoes
On the practical side, it is quite hard to stomach these items at one go as compared to one serving of the Ningxia Red. Furthermore, the grocery bill will be much higher and surely it is wise to drink Ningxia Red.

Ningxia Wolferrby (Lycium barbarum)
17 Trace Elements, 4 Major Minerals, 6 Glyconutrients, 18 Amino Acids, Essential Sugars

Berries good for you. MIND your BODY Straits Times insert pg12&13 Nov 4 2010

BERRY GOOD. Include berries in your diet because they are great sources of anioxidants and vitamins. This is the headline in page 12.

The nutrional values of chinese wolfberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, pomegranate berries, blueberries are mentioned. No nutritional information on hawthorn berries and chinese mulberry root was posted. These two are used in TCM treatments.

Young Living's Ningxia Red has highest grade wolfberry  - Ningxia wolfberry, blueberry, pomegranate, apricot, raspberry and grapes. On top of that, there are the proprietary Essential blends - Blue Avage, Lemon and Orange. This drink has extremely low glycemic index.

Ningxia wolfberry is high in antioxidant, carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin is needed for good eye sight. Lemon and Orange essential oils - like limonene, helps combat cell mutations and increase glutathione levels in the liver. Glutathione is the end-product of all antioxidants.

Quoted from page 12,
"It is the vibrant colours of most berries that are characteristic of a group of antioxidants called anthocyanins, which have been shown to protect the heart. Besides anthocyanins, berries also contain ellagic acid, another antioxidant."

"They improve the lining of heart arteries by increasing their production of nitric oxide, a compound that helps to improve blood flow and prevent the formation of clots."

"Ellagic acid is thought to protect cells from free radicals, compounds which can damage cells. Damage from free radicals is believed to play a role in cancer formation."

What we get in Ningxia Red is a wonderful combination of berries and proprietary items that has highest S-ORAC rating for fighting the most abundant free radical that causes damage to our cell. It contains natural vitamins including multiple B's, C and E, trace minerals, 6 Essential Glyconutrients, Amino Acids like L-Arginine.. necessary for maintaining and repairing our cells. This superfood has high acid binding ability... to gobble acid in the body that creates inflammation and stress in our system, slowing down the process of aging, illness and disease.

This is a Super Whole Food in a bottle. A great drink for the young and old.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Stomach bloatedness

My aged mother of 90 years have long history of stomach bloatedness. She has been treated in different ways and the common explanation is that because of old age and poorer organ functions due to aging, there is very little else that could help her.

Occasionally, my wife and I have issues with indigestion and stomach bloatedness. We took Essentialzyme and get relief each time. I am glad that my mother has also benefitted from taking Essentialzyme. Her tummy is feeling more comfortable.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stabilizing blood sugar after all these years

Lawrence Yeap has been drinking Young Living's Ningxia Red and he experienced the energy and alertness that is akin to drinking coffee. He read that this fruity drink has low glycemic index and is beneficial in many ways - improves spleen function, normalizes blood sugar, improves eyesight, strengthen the immunce system, reduces inflammation, stops the buildup of rancid fats in the tissues, supports weight loss, strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduces cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, reduces candida. and many more.

He is concerned that his aged mother of 83 years is not having the quality of life. She had unstable blood sugar and at times swing to 16 despite being on medication for a long time. Finally, after using some of the Young Living oils, he could see that his mother is having stable blood sugar reading of 13 and then down to 7.

We understand that truely therapeutic oils helps to balance the body. Together with Ningxia Red, this has helped improve the quality of life for an aged person.

Pain relief from long suffering bunion

Read the emails below and you can see that Ellyna Tan has found great relief from the pains in her feet. For some of us who may seen some people walking with difficulty or awkwardness because of the pain, we cannot fathom the inconvenience and struggle they face everyday.

Ellyna has always been conscious of using products that are truely natural (not synthetically formulated) for pain relief but also for general wellbeing. She has found relief from using Young Living oils.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010Hi Manfred, touchwood there has been only minor disconfort after rubbing only once everynite, it is really amazing. The horrid pain which I have been enduring over the last 3 yrs is almost gone. I am really grateful to you for introducing YL OILS to me.
Hi Manfred,

from picture u notice slight jutting out of bone w slight  redness, the pain usually start frm the joint area of toe n gradually spread to side then before long bone start growing frm side. tkx fr yr help!


Monday, August 30, 2010

Good products for better health

Wouldn't it be great that you have energy in a bottle that you can carry with you, and use it as and when you need it?

Wouldn't it be great that therapeutic products can be used in multiple ways - applied topically or ingested either directly into the mouth or drink down with water?

Wouldn't it be great if you have flexibility to use the product in various combinations to repair and heal the body?

Yes, we all can benefit from Young Living products. We can carry the bottles and use them as and when, and experience the quick delivery of the therapeutic grade oils into the body. You can check out the products at

For enquires, email to

Essential & Massage Oils   Essential Nutrition         Essential Living
Essential & Massage OilsEssential NutritionEssential Living

              Thieves                    New, Seasonal & Extra
Thieves     New, Seasonal & Extra