Friday, November 5, 2010

Berries good for you. MIND your BODY Straits Times insert pg12&13 Nov 4 2010

BERRY GOOD. Include berries in your diet because they are great sources of anioxidants and vitamins. This is the headline in page 12.

The nutrional values of chinese wolfberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, pomegranate berries, blueberries are mentioned. No nutritional information on hawthorn berries and chinese mulberry root was posted. These two are used in TCM treatments.

Young Living's Ningxia Red has highest grade wolfberry  - Ningxia wolfberry, blueberry, pomegranate, apricot, raspberry and grapes. On top of that, there are the proprietary Essential blends - Blue Avage, Lemon and Orange. This drink has extremely low glycemic index.

Ningxia wolfberry is high in antioxidant, carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin is needed for good eye sight. Lemon and Orange essential oils - like limonene, helps combat cell mutations and increase glutathione levels in the liver. Glutathione is the end-product of all antioxidants.

Quoted from page 12,
"It is the vibrant colours of most berries that are characteristic of a group of antioxidants called anthocyanins, which have been shown to protect the heart. Besides anthocyanins, berries also contain ellagic acid, another antioxidant."

"They improve the lining of heart arteries by increasing their production of nitric oxide, a compound that helps to improve blood flow and prevent the formation of clots."

"Ellagic acid is thought to protect cells from free radicals, compounds which can damage cells. Damage from free radicals is believed to play a role in cancer formation."

What we get in Ningxia Red is a wonderful combination of berries and proprietary items that has highest S-ORAC rating for fighting the most abundant free radical that causes damage to our cell. It contains natural vitamins including multiple B's, C and E, trace minerals, 6 Essential Glyconutrients, Amino Acids like L-Arginine.. necessary for maintaining and repairing our cells. This superfood has high acid binding ability... to gobble acid in the body that creates inflammation and stress in our system, slowing down the process of aging, illness and disease.

This is a Super Whole Food in a bottle. A great drink for the young and old.

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