Saturday, April 14, 2012

My experience with Ningxia Red

Here's a brief summary of some of the things I noticed and told you about this past weekend.
I work out regularly at the gym and keep detailed notes on my progress--how heavy of weights I'm using, how many repetitions, etc.  During the month of January I tried my first bottle of NingXia Red over the course of about 20 days.  Though I didn't make the association immediately, in retrospect I can clearly look back at my notes and see that I made considerable progress in terms of strength gains during January.
For instance, on one particular "multi-joint" exercise considered to be a good gauge of "overall strength," during the month of November I went from lifting 28 kg to 32 kg.  During the month of December I went from lifting 32 kg to 40 kg.  But in January I made the most gains, going from lifting 40 kg to 52 kg.
I stopped taking NingXia Red during February and much of March, and I could not surpass the 52 kg mark during those two months.  A few days after resuming NingXia Red at the end of March I suddenly felt as though I had much more energy at the gym, and within days I progressed to lifting 60 kg for the same exercise.
I noticed that during the months of February and March(1st half), when I was off the NingXia Red, I simply felt as though I had less energy and that it was more difficult to recover quickly between sessions at the gym.  I noticed an increase in food cravings, despite feeling as though my body didn't have the energy to process the food I craved to eat.  My complexion became poorer, and wound healing was slower.  It's possible (as we discussed) that I succumbed to some sort of bacterial infection that was adding extra stress to my body.  Throughout these two months I often reflected back to the amazing amount of energy and vitality I had in January and kept wondering "what was it?" that allowed me to progress so easily at the gym and, in general, simply feel so healthy.
Anyway, a few days after starting NingXia Red again at the end of March, not only did I notice more energy at the gym (allowing me to make the big jump from 52 kg to 60 kg), I also noticed improved quality of sleep.
Also, ever since then my food cravings have been gone.  My energy is back up.  My complexion is better.  And my recovery time at the gym is shorter.  I like to think that the NingXia Red gave my immune system the energy it needed to finally shake off a stubborn bacterial infection.
Either way, in summary, here's what I've found now on two occasions taking NingXia Red:
1. Increased energy
2. Quicker recovery times at the gym
3. Greatly improved progress at the gym
4. Better sleep
5. Less overall stress
6. Eliminated food cravings
7. Faster wound healing / stronger immune system

April 2nd 2012

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