Friday, July 15, 2011

Recovery from flu

SL was unwell for two weeks. Still did not recover from flu despite medication. I passed her Young Living's "Inner Defense" capsules and she told me she felt better after taking it.   INNER DEFENSE contains THIEVES, THYME, OREGANO. It is perfect for dealing with infections.

For preventive health maintenace, take a capsule of the Inner defense regularly.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sulfurzyme is good for hair and joints

Young Living's *Sulfurzyme* is known to be beneficial to people who have joint pains. It also helps to improve absorption of minerals and also helps in the hair health. Those with brittle and stiff hair will find that after drinking sulfurzyme for a period of time, the hair fallout is less.  Some people think that thinning hair is hereditary because the other family members also have similar problem of hair fallout. They willl be delighted that there is hope  in that the condition  can be improved. In fact, the new grown hair is thinner and stronger. I have heard testimony and have seen it. Bravo another excellent product.