Wednesday, November 30, 2011

RC oil to the rescue

I have this reaction to alcohol, be it beer or wine, that my nose gets blocked or stuffy after drinking. Sometimes this is also the reaction from eating food that has too much MSG. It is really uncomfortable going to bed like this. Using peppermint would help but would be too energized. I tried the Young Living RC oil blend that is - respiratory control and it worked. Applying to my neck and chest areas, I could feel the relief within minutes.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Inner defense to the rescue

Just before 9am, I heard a beep on my phone. There was a message from Felicia "Quite effective. Almost down with flu n after taking 2 times yesterday, can come to work". She was referring to the Inner Defense capsules that she took on Sunday. This morning, she is charged up and sent me the message.

Felicia received the Inner Defense on Saturday and it was just timely. She was feeling under the weather and had Inner Defense to her rescue.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is it a stub, a swelling, an irritation on the finger

When Siew Hwa showed me the stubby joint on her finger, there was some abrasion too probably from household chores. Apparently, she has tried various creams, ointments before and the stubby area seems to be uncomfortable and skin seems to be peeling too. Last Saturday, she tried the Young Living Animal Scent oinment on her finger and amazingly, she broke into a smile minutes later and said "look, the swelling seems to have come down".  She was so happy to show Frances the remarkable and magical effect on her finger joint.  On sunday, I saw that the abrasion on the finger is also gone. Just a dab of this wonderful ointment is all it takes. Say Cheese - great shot.


Sleep - wonderful to be able to calm down and sleep soundly

Many parents struggle to keep up with chidren who are hyperactive and difficult to calm down before sleeping.  I recommended Peace & calming oil blend and over the weekend, I was delighted to hear that a hyperactive boy who tend to be very alert even before bedtime could eventually calm down very quickly in five minutes and sleep soundly. This is a common struggle most parents have coaxing children to sleep.

The peace & calming oil is a blend of Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils. When the parent can calm the child down and also have more time for herself, this is surely a positive change.  It is so simple, just applying the oil on the bottoms of the feet and the shoulder. Isnt this priceless when you need to  use less energy and time for daily activity like that.