Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quick recovery - inner defense

I had another incident over the weekend where I ate a few bites of an oyster omelet before realizing it had flour in it. Predictably the next day my whole body felt "off" and I think my immune system took a dip because I started to feel a cold coming on. Obviously I took Inner Defense and the following morning all signs of the cold (sore throat) were gone. Eliot May 29 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

After renovation or painting - get rid of the awful smell

Many people encounter the strong smell of paint and stinging of the eyes from the "glues/adhesive" of new cupboards. Today, I went to my friend's place and instinctively, I brought a bottle of the Young Living Citrus Fresh. When I entered the bedroom, my nose and eyes were being "attacked". It was really uncomfortable. After diffusing 20 drops of Citrus fresh in one hour, the room smell so much better. You can feel being more comfortable staying in the room. If you dont have citrus fresh, you can try other Young Living citrus oils like lemon, tangerine, orange.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Now belief it. And works wonderfully

I had been skeptical as to how the young living essential oils works. I have read testimonials and it all seemed too good to be true. I recently went off the pill about 6 months ago and my hormones went haywire. I started getting acne and cysts on my face. I had use many products that was costly but to no avail. I tried the Young Living lavender oil on the spots. It didn't sting as badly as most pimple creams and as it was oily, I didn't think it would work. However , 2 days later, the cysts went down and the skin started peeling gently! There was minimal scarring as well! I still can't believe it worked! Time to chuck out those pimple creams I had bought from the shops! Serene Chan May 23 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another healthy person

Derrick has been drinking Ningxia Red, taking Inner Defense and Omega Blue regularly. He told me yesterday that in the recent event, his children took turn to fall sick and also other members in the family were also affected. However, he was not affected. This is a another practical example how one can withstand the virus/bacteria that is going around in the family if he/she takes preventive healthcare and give the body the ability to work better against external agents.