Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stung by Scorpion

Read Winnie's experience being stung by scorpion. So smart of her to bring the Inner Defense and the oils. ---------------------------------------- 26 August 2012: Day 1 morning of my 8-day overland camping trip from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe to Johannesburg, South Africa. I was resting on a lounge area while waiting for the other trippers who have gone for their Victoria Falls activities. I was stung by a scorpion (light brown coloured, about 2-inches long) which was apparently somewhere beneath the cushion that I was resting on. I was told by my guide who showed me the dead scorpion (they killed it) that it is a tree scorpion and it's not poisonous. Nonethless, there was still venom, though non death-threatening, in the sting. I was stung on my left upper arm. The pain was similar to a bee stung. The patch around the stung (about 3 inches long along my arm) become red and was very painful (stinging pain), and the immediate area was swollen with a 0.5-inch diameter wide lump (like a huge mosquito bite lump). I washed my arm. Applied the YL lavender oil to soothe the pain, followed by Thursday Planation tea tree oil as it is an antiseptic. For the next one hour, I think I was applying these 2 oils alternatively to bring down the swell and pain. Subsequently, I applied some YL Deep Relief oil to experiment if it will bring further relief. The swell subsidied and only the redness and pain remained by the time the other trippers returned, about 1.5 hours later. By evening, a tripper (who is a retired doctor) didn't believe I was stung by a scorpion as my arm didn't show any swelling. As the area was still painful and reddish, I continued applying the lavender oil and tea tree oil alternatively throughout the next couple of days. For the first few days, I feel a burning sensation on my arm when I showered with warm water. By Day 6 or 7, the area was no longer painful but became itchy and the skin started to dry up and show crack lines so I just applied the lavender oil for another few more days to soothe the itch which worked. During Day 2 or 3, I consumed a Inner Defense capsule just to try to boost my immunity. The mention of scorpion and crawlies now gives me the creeps. Winnie Tan