Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mister oil blend - smooth flow

When Charles started using the Mister oil blend, he noticed he slept well that night. The next morning, the urine flow full speed. For some who might not appreciate the significance yet, the erratic or slow urine flow could be due to prostate issue. Charles is also drinking Ningxia Red now and this is a good way to restore health and also reducing fear/uncertainty why urine flow is not smooth. We know the therapeutic grade Young Living essential oils have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Applying the Mister oil on the perineum is beneficial.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pain free - feel the joy

In September 2010, Ellyna was looking for ways to deal with the pain in both feet due to bunions. With Young Living oils, she managed to overcome the pain as documented on my blog. She has been so kind to share the knowledge with her friends. In the recent case, she helped her former teacher, who is now in the 70s, to overcome certain pain issues. He has written the email expressing gratitude and thankful to be living a normal life, a painless life. She sent me the screen shot of the email just an hour ago. I am sure many of you can feel the joy too.
Do we need to get to old age to learn to deal with pain? We learn early and use truly therapeutic grade essential oils from Young Living.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stress Away - carry with you all the time

Siew Hwa shared with me an encounter on Friday. A girl who was standing next to her on the train suddenly dropped the phone she was holding and collapsed onto the floorboard. She and other passengers helped her onto the seat. Siew Hwa had the Stress Away in her bag and took it out quickly. After applying the roll on, the girl became more conscious and was able to sit up on her own. Seems the girl was feeling sick and a couple of stations later, she was well enough to walk out of the train. The brief encounter is another reminder that we should have the roll-ons with us for any emergency. Thanks for her quick spirited effort, Siew Hwa has helped another person.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ningxia Red - dark circles gone

Chor Hiang was all smiles today when she related how Ningxia Red has helped her. She went to do her usual facial massage and the therapist remarked that the dark circles under Chor Hiang's eyes are gone. Also her lips look brighter red as opposed to darkish colour. Beauty comes from inside. Yes, do not just do the surface deep stuff. When you give your body the wonderful nutrients and minerals from Ningxia Red, it benefits the whole body.