Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ningxia Red and Sulfurzyme - very good combination

Three weeks ago, Jason shared with us a few great improvements to his health condition. He drinks Ningxia Red 2 to 3 times a day and takes Sulfurzyme capsules together with Ningxia Red first thing in the morning. Within weeks, he could feel the improvement to his eye sight and the hemorrhoids problem is also resolved. Furthermore, he had pain in the bottoms of the feet for a long time already. Helichrysum oil has worked wonderfully for him. Simple things that can improve the quality of life.

Copaiba oil - more than just for pain issues

Siew Lee called me yesterday and said COPAIBA oil is good for piles/hemorrhoids. Her husband apply the oil regularly and now it does not come out of the body. The great discomfort with something hanging out is resolved with such a simple application. Improving another person's life.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Panaway - is good emergency oil for scalding

Below is the sharing by Christina via Daniel 2 days ago . She had the Panaway oil blend in the office and she put it to good use to help herself. Bravo. Sharing - my 3 finger was scalded by hot water when filled my flask. I had only pan away with me. Applied generously over scaled area, the pain was gone in no time. Redness was gone before end of day.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wonderful Purification oil - where is the cockroach

We know how cockroaches can be so annoying. No matter how many floors up you live, there are bound to cockroaches that seem to appear every so often. In the past couple of days, I diffused Purification oil blend in my bedroom. I was not expecting anything and just doing it on a moment of thought. This morning to my surprise, a dried up (dead cockroach) is lying at the toilet door. No, I did not step on it and removing it was easy. No mess, dried up already. Then it struck me that I had diffused Purification oil. Sometimes we wonder how many drops is enough and there is no perfect answer. In this case, I was more generous putting in 15 drops.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Breathe Again roll-on. More than just that

I have been lazy posting on the blog. During the casual chat today, I learned something so meaningful about the Breathe Again Roll-on that is certainly useful for us to learn. Siew Hwa related a couple of days ago she and her daughter saw an elderly woman tripped at the stairs and fell. They went to assist her to get up and also checked that she is OK. During the tumble, the woman had knocked her face and her knees, and bruise was starting to show. She was feeling the pain in these places. Siew Hwa carried the Breathe Again on that day. She thought, it is better than nothing. So She applied the Breathe Again on the bruised areas to help the elderly woman get some immediate relief. Following that they accompanied her to the toilet and the woman felt better. I am glad that their kindness and attention to details has helped someone in distress. The bruise on her face is gone when the elderly woman met her again a couple of days later to thank her personally. This is such a great lesson - we may think Breathe Again is useful to support respiratory health, and now I realize there is peppermint, myrtle and copaiba in this blend that help be useful in other situations. Yes peppermint is good for many general use. Copaiba is known to be natural pain reliever. Breathe Again™ Essential Oil Roll-On is a proprietary blend of oils specially formulated to support respiratory health. Breathe Again contains four powerful eucalyptus oils: Eucalyptus staigeriana, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, and Young Living's original Ecuador single, Eucalyptus blue. Eucalyptus oils contain high amounts of cineole, which has been studied for its potential to support healthy lung function. The essential oils peppermint, myrtle, and copaiba also play an integral part in this blend.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Slique Tea - fabulous drink

Evelyn just informed me. She drinks the slique tea and has lost 2 kg. One packet a day - so simple. For some who need additional help on food craving. They can put drops of slique essence in the water and drink before food.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thieves spray - keep crows away

SL told me that she uses the Thieves Spray at home to keep the air clean especially there is a dog at home. Incidentally, some birds/crows will come to the window everyday and the droppings also upset the neighbour one floor down. Obviously, we can't control the birds. SL was spraying the Thieves oil which can also help to keep mosquitoes away. After spraying at the window she noticed, the birds don't come anymore. When people are fearful of bird flu, mosquitoes, bacteria, the Thieves Spray turn out to be of additional help. Now there is a happy neighbour also. this cactus was put here by lady shortcake.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Jac sent this message today. She loves her grandma a lot. It is so wonderful that she is helping her family in simple and meaningful way - improving quality of life and better health. ------------------------------------------------------------ Testimonial from my grandma on Ningxia Red: she used to have constipation and have to buy some thing to flush her bowels. After drinking Ningxia Red for about few weeks, she has smooth bowels.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Knee pain during tennis game

Played a very good round of tennis today. During the second game, I felt a sharp pain in my knee. Perhaps our grueling first game was too much. Anyway, went to the bench and poured drops of Balsam Fir around my knee. Within minutes, we are back at the game again. My partners are used to me using Wintergreen and notice the smell is different this time. We finished the second game. My knee cap cartilage was damaged and worn out years ago. I know what is sharp pain in the knee that you feel as if someone is poking through your knee. I am glad I carry my oil pouch with me. You can exercise and still recover quickly from things like that if you spend time to learn and manage your own life.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ningxia Red - helps to lower cholesterol

On Saturday, Rachel shared with us at a party how her cholesterol level dropped from 266 to 186. She drinks Ningxia Red 60ml each day at one go and in a month or so, her cholesterol level dropped. She exercises regularly and Ningxia Red has benefitted her. What other benefits other people experience - A friend told me her dark circles under the eye faded. Cheers to a great nutritional drink.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Feeling smooth on hand and leg

A couple of days, ET smiled broadly when she told me that the massage oil makes her hand and leg smoother. I know several massage oils we use often like Sportsease, Orthoease which are infused with various Young Living oils. Good that she told me. It is Sensation Massage oil. The 8 oz bottle is infused with several Young Living essential oils. The overview says - Sensation Massage Oil leaves skin feeling smooth, silky, and youthful. The beautiful fragrance of Sensation may stimulate feelings of romance.

Friday, January 11, 2013

What is prevention when you know you are going to get it

Many of us have hectic life and for whatever reason, there could a window of time - a few days that timing is just off. For example, a few nights ago, the airconditioner was giving problem. It was noisy and I did not get a good sleep. The next night, the air conditioner was turned too low and was blowing direct and again did not sleep well. By the third day, I was start to feeling drained and lethargic. You may feel your nose starting to act funny - starting to sniffle. Also tummy starting feel like congested. Once the timing is off, the body does funny things. I apply RC oil on my throat and chest straight away. I also apply peppermint oil on my tummy and cup to breathe in the nice clearing oil. Most important, I start taking Inner Defense capsule. Late in the afternoon, got ready for the usual tennis game. Oh no - bad weather. We play in the drizzle and also wet ground all the time. Before the game, I drink my usual Ningxia Red and also took another capsule of Inner Defense. After 2 hours in the slight drizzle and cool air, I still felt OK. I have already arranged to meet someone. By the time I got home it was close to 12 midnight. Did some work and went to bed at 2am. This is probably a common situation for many people eg. if they have to look for children or older folks middle of the night. They may not have good sleep. Doing this many nights can indeed weaken your immune system when the body clock is upset. This is a practical ways to help you stay healthy and keep your body immunity up. It is also cost effective and does not take much time.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Healthy weight gain

A person need to have muscle mass to support the skeletal structure. Charles has been trying to gain weight in the past year but with little success. For his 1.68 frame, he finally gain weight of 3kg after three months on Ningxia Red. He is so happy today and I can see a firmer tone on his body. As we age, we need our body to be in good condition for normal functions. We also need the muscles and the body to be able to support the demands of physical exercise or carry out task that our body is designed for. Weight gain need not necessarily be bad. He has been careful with what he eats and it is not surprising that many people may not get the natural minerals and nutrients in the daily food.