Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Slique Tea - fabulous drink

Evelyn just informed me. She drinks the slique tea and has lost 2 kg. One packet a day - so simple. For some who need additional help on food craving. They can put drops of slique essence in the water and drink before food.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thieves spray - keep crows away

SL told me that she uses the Thieves Spray at home to keep the air clean especially there is a dog at home. Incidentally, some birds/crows will come to the window everyday and the droppings also upset the neighbour one floor down. Obviously, we can't control the birds. SL was spraying the Thieves oil which can also help to keep mosquitoes away. After spraying at the window she noticed, the birds don't come anymore. When people are fearful of bird flu, mosquitoes, bacteria, the Thieves Spray turn out to be of additional help. Now there is a happy neighbour also. this cactus was put here by lady shortcake.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Jac sent this message today. She loves her grandma a lot. It is so wonderful that she is helping her family in simple and meaningful way - improving quality of life and better health. ------------------------------------------------------------ Testimonial from my grandma on Ningxia Red: she used to have constipation and have to buy some thing to flush her bowels. After drinking Ningxia Red for about few weeks, she has smooth bowels.