Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ningxia Red and Sulfurzyme - very good combination

Three weeks ago, Jason shared with us a few great improvements to his health condition. He drinks Ningxia Red 2 to 3 times a day and takes Sulfurzyme capsules together with Ningxia Red first thing in the morning. Within weeks, he could feel the improvement to his eye sight and the hemorrhoids problem is also resolved. Furthermore, he had pain in the bottoms of the feet for a long time already. Helichrysum oil has worked wonderfully for him. Simple things that can improve the quality of life.

Copaiba oil - more than just for pain issues

Siew Lee called me yesterday and said COPAIBA oil is good for piles/hemorrhoids. Her husband apply the oil regularly and now it does not come out of the body. The great discomfort with something hanging out is resolved with such a simple application. Improving another person's life.