Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pain relief from long suffering bunion

Read the emails below and you can see that Ellyna Tan has found great relief from the pains in her feet. For some of us who may seen some people walking with difficulty or awkwardness because of the pain, we cannot fathom the inconvenience and struggle they face everyday.

Ellyna has always been conscious of using products that are truely natural (not synthetically formulated) for pain relief but also for general wellbeing. She has found relief from using Young Living oils.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010Hi Manfred, touchwood there has been only minor disconfort after rubbing only once everynite, it is really amazing. The horrid pain which I have been enduring over the last 3 yrs is almost gone. I am really grateful to you for introducing YL OILS to me.
Hi Manfred,

from picture u notice slight jutting out of bone w slight  redness, the pain usually start frm the joint area of toe n gradually spread to side then before long bone start growing frm side. tkx fr yr help!


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