Friday, November 5, 2010

Big savings with 1 oz (30ml) of Ningxia Red versus grocery bills

The antioxidant potency of Ningxia Red is so strong that drinking one ounce every day infuses the body with more free radical defenses than could be consumed through diet alone.

One ounce of Ningxia Red has the same antioxidant level as any one of the following:

34 large onions
100 oranges
814 blueberries
22 medium carrots
10.85 pounds of spinach
55.33 pounds of almonds
59 broccoli florets
73 medium strawberries
93 apples
130 tomatoes
On the practical side, it is quite hard to stomach these items at one go as compared to one serving of the Ningxia Red. Furthermore, the grocery bill will be much higher and surely it is wise to drink Ningxia Red.

Ningxia Wolferrby (Lycium barbarum)
17 Trace Elements, 4 Major Minerals, 6 Glyconutrients, 18 Amino Acids, Essential Sugars

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