Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thieves spray, mouth wash, oil to the rescue

Some people have asked what oils should they carry when they travel. There are many common oils that we should bring to assist our body to deal with viruses, unhygienic condition, unknown water quality. I would like to draw the recent example of a group of people who went to a remote place where the water quality is not safe for city folks even for brushing teeth. Someone in the group probably forgotten and did that and started to come down with sore throat and started coughing. Good thing the Thieves mouthwash was available and the person gargled it several times and 2 days later his sore throat condition improved significantly. When you have Thieves spray, use it in the situation like that. Spray the room or the enclosed space that the group is in. They also put drops of the Thieves oil in the water for washing the clothes. For sure, we won't want to get the itchy feeling or worry about germs from untreated water. The group proceeded with the tour without disruption. It is wise to be adequately prepared with the right items for travel.

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