Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bloatedness and complexion

Year 2010 ended nicely with the affirmation that Young Living therapeutic oils and products are truely remarkable and beneficial. When I first met Patrick on the first week of December, I was hoping that he would benefit from alternative ways to improve his health condition. On the christmas week, I saw Patrick and I was stunned for a few minutes when I saw him. The bloatedness of his face and arms are gone.

The sense of satisfaction and joy soon overwhelmed me. Indeed Patrick was deligent to use the different oils that are relevant for his health and also he acted immediately to recommend products to his family. Patrick was not on weight loss regime but was focused on improving his kidney condition and body imbalance. He said that the headaches he used to get are a lot less. I also saw that his complexion improved.

Without pictures, it is hard for you understand the impact but his friends could tell the difference.
Am I glad that in 2010, the time I spent learning about Young Living products have been worthwhile. The positive impact on others' life is so meaningful that words alone cannot describe.

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