Saturday, January 15, 2011

Immediate pain relief and recovery

I was carrying a pail of water from the toilet and stepped on the door mat (not the non-slip type) and my foot slipped. The bottom of my big right toe scratched against the aluminium door frame of the sliding door. Within seconds, the blood vessels connecting the base of the big toe to the foot was swollen and turn dark color as if blood clot was happening.

Though I grimaced for a while in pain, I got hold of the Young Living lavender oil and applied a few drops. In a couple of minutes, I saw the swelling and the darkish blood vessel starting to reduce. I grabbed my iphone and took picture of the problem area.

Unfortunately, I did not capture the condition when the blood vessel was swollen and dark. My wife was frightened that I would have trouble standing since most of us will have lean on the big toe when we walk. Initially, I could not place the foot down completely. After that, I applied wintergreen and voila, within minutes, the pain is reduced significantly. We continued with our plan for afternoon tea.

For this minor incident, we learn again how beneficial to have the YL oils.

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