Tuesday, April 24, 2012

To the rescue - Inner Defense

As mentioned here's my experience using Inner Defense while on holiday in Cambodia two weeks ago.

I decided to take the Inner Defense capsules on an as-needed basis while on vacation; fortunately, I seemed to be pretty healthy for the entire trip until the second-to-last day when I ate some rotten pineapple.  I was outside, hungry and thirsty, and had just bought some pineapple from a food vendor.  I was so hungry that I ate the whole thing without thinking despite the horrible fermented taste at the bottom of one of the pieces.  I had no doubt that the thing was rotten and immediately regretted not spitting the fruit out.

Anyway that evening, a few hours later, I began to develop a slight sore throat.  At first I brushed this off and didn't pay it much attention.  But when I woke up in the middle of the night with the signs of a real sore throat developing, I decided it was time to take an Inner Defense capsule.  I took one, and then took another the following morning.  I continued to take one capsule probably every 6 hours, and within about 24 hours my sore throat was pretty much gone.  By 48 hours it was definitely completely gone.

Needless to say I was quite happy with how things turned out in this case.  Typically when I feel a sore throat coming on I know that I'm in for a week-long affair of annoying throat pain. But this experience was mild by comparison and was completely resolved in under 2 days

Apr 24 2012

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