Saturday, April 14, 2012

Using oils to aid recovery of pulled tendon

It is already 18 days since I pulled the tendon in my left leg.

Most people experience sprained ankle but it is a different matter when the tendon shifted or you feel like something hitting the calf and exploding. Swelling in the calf was immediate and the pain was excruciating. The swelling in the ankle did not look so bad initially. However, if you walk around unaided, the swelling gets worst. A huge bruise below the ankle stretchs along the foot.

From general knowledge, we know that soft tissues (muscles, tendons or ligaments) are injured, they often become swollen and may possibly bleed internally. This swelling causes pain.

There were days that my foot was so swollen and I felt the pressure against the skin. In between treatments, I used various oils to reduce tension, minimize the pain and to reduce the inflammation. Panaway is designed to relieve muscle soreness and tension. It contains Helichrysum, Wintergreen, Clove, Peppermint. I also use the straight oils Wintergreen, Peppermint on many days. I used Helichrysum mostly on my shin that was in pain.

When I sat on my chair for hours, I noticed the swelling in the foot comes back and it is important to raise the foot up. Last night, my foot was still swollen (though not massive) after the bandage was removed. This time, I used Cypress and Helichrysum on the whole foot (except the sole) including the area 2 inches above the ankle.. When I got up this morning, I was so happy that the swelling had gone down.

The treatment this morning was a lot easier and when the physician pressed my foot and adjusted my ankle, there was substantially less pain. My calf is now so relaxed compared to the tension in the past days.

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