Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mister oil blend - smooth flow

When Charles started using the Mister oil blend, he noticed he slept well that night. The next morning, the urine flow full speed. For some who might not appreciate the significance yet, the erratic or slow urine flow could be due to prostate issue. Charles is also drinking Ningxia Red now and this is a good way to restore health and also reducing fear/uncertainty why urine flow is not smooth. We know the therapeutic grade Young Living essential oils have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Applying the Mister oil on the perineum is beneficial.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pain free - feel the joy

In September 2010, Ellyna was looking for ways to deal with the pain in both feet due to bunions. With Young Living oils, she managed to overcome the pain as documented on my blog. She has been so kind to share the knowledge with her friends. In the recent case, she helped her former teacher, who is now in the 70s, to overcome certain pain issues. He has written the email expressing gratitude and thankful to be living a normal life, a painless life. She sent me the screen shot of the email just an hour ago. I am sure many of you can feel the joy too.
Do we need to get to old age to learn to deal with pain? We learn early and use truly therapeutic grade essential oils from Young Living.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stress Away - carry with you all the time

Siew Hwa shared with me an encounter on Friday. A girl who was standing next to her on the train suddenly dropped the phone she was holding and collapsed onto the floorboard. She and other passengers helped her onto the seat. Siew Hwa had the Stress Away in her bag and took it out quickly. After applying the roll on, the girl became more conscious and was able to sit up on her own. Seems the girl was feeling sick and a couple of stations later, she was well enough to walk out of the train. The brief encounter is another reminder that we should have the roll-ons with us for any emergency. Thanks for her quick spirited effort, Siew Hwa has helped another person.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ningxia Red - dark circles gone

Chor Hiang was all smiles today when she related how Ningxia Red has helped her. She went to do her usual facial massage and the therapist remarked that the dark circles under Chor Hiang's eyes are gone. Also her lips look brighter red as opposed to darkish colour. Beauty comes from inside. Yes, do not just do the surface deep stuff. When you give your body the wonderful nutrients and minerals from Ningxia Red, it benefits the whole body.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Irritable stomach

JH has been having queasy stomach. For a while, she could hear the stomach making lots of noise. After taking Life 5 probiotics for a week, she felt a lot better. Also she seems to have very soft stool and now seems more regular.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Exam days-recover from sore throat quickly

Studying hard for exams can be tough if unwell. JT had sore throat and did not want condition to worsen. He took one capsule of Inner Defense and applied RC oil on his chest and throat. For added measures, he directed the Thieves Spray at his throat, applied peppermint oil and breathe in deeply to clear the nose. He drank a cup of water with drops of lemon oil. Before going to bed, gargle with Thieves Mouthwash. Voila - he got up in the morning refreshed and the sore throat gone. All ready for his exams.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Burning stomach from spicy chilli

Wen Jie wrote this last night. Earlier this evening, I had some chilli that was real spicy. After that, my stomach was burning. I had a glass of water with like 5 drops of lemon oil. Within 5mins, the burn was totally gone. Amazing.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nice side burn again - I mean nice skin

Angela is overjoyed that the dark patchy area at the sideburn is now so beautiful. She used Lavender oil for one week. In the next week, she got some Animal Scent Ointment from Siew Hwa. Look at the improvement. She got her nice fair skin back. The Animal scent has Myrrh oil and is good for the skin. Learning to use truly natural therapeutic grade essential oils is worth it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Good for Bone, Ligaments, Muscles

As the name suggest, BLM supports normal bone and joint health. This formula combines powerful ingredients, such as type II collagen, MSM, glucosamine sulfate and manganese citrate, enhanced with therapeutic-grade essential oils. Benefits - supports healthy bones & joints - Helps reduce fat deposits in muscle tissue - Helps prevent cartilage deterioration in joints. Since my tendon shift injury in March, I took BLM regularly and I find that my finger nails are also sturdier.
I left the finger nails growing and they are harder than before. In the past, the finger nails would have chipped at this length. I hit the nails on a hard surface (without hurting myself) and they don't chip. So girls/ladies if you want sturdier nice long fingernails take BLM regularly. This is a great additional benefit besides being good for bones, ligaments and muscles.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stung by Scorpion

Read Winnie's experience being stung by scorpion. So smart of her to bring the Inner Defense and the oils. ---------------------------------------- 26 August 2012: Day 1 morning of my 8-day overland camping trip from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe to Johannesburg, South Africa. I was resting on a lounge area while waiting for the other trippers who have gone for their Victoria Falls activities. I was stung by a scorpion (light brown coloured, about 2-inches long) which was apparently somewhere beneath the cushion that I was resting on. I was told by my guide who showed me the dead scorpion (they killed it) that it is a tree scorpion and it's not poisonous. Nonethless, there was still venom, though non death-threatening, in the sting. I was stung on my left upper arm. The pain was similar to a bee stung. The patch around the stung (about 3 inches long along my arm) become red and was very painful (stinging pain), and the immediate area was swollen with a 0.5-inch diameter wide lump (like a huge mosquito bite lump). I washed my arm. Applied the YL lavender oil to soothe the pain, followed by Thursday Planation tea tree oil as it is an antiseptic. For the next one hour, I think I was applying these 2 oils alternatively to bring down the swell and pain. Subsequently, I applied some YL Deep Relief oil to experiment if it will bring further relief. The swell subsidied and only the redness and pain remained by the time the other trippers returned, about 1.5 hours later. By evening, a tripper (who is a retired doctor) didn't believe I was stung by a scorpion as my arm didn't show any swelling. As the area was still painful and reddish, I continued applying the lavender oil and tea tree oil alternatively throughout the next couple of days. For the first few days, I feel a burning sensation on my arm when I showered with warm water. By Day 6 or 7, the area was no longer painful but became itchy and the skin started to dry up and show crack lines so I just applied the lavender oil for another few more days to soothe the itch which worked. During Day 2 or 3, I consumed a Inner Defense capsule just to try to boost my immunity. The mention of scorpion and crawlies now gives me the creeps. Winnie Tan

Monday, August 13, 2012

Deep Relief - always carry with you

Siew Hwa related an incident recently. A friend who slipped and fell backwards, hit the head pretty hard and a lump grew on the head very quickly. After checking that she was ok and could sit up, Siew Hwa pulled out the Deep Relief from her bag and quickly applied on the bruised area. Within minutes, the swelling came down. The rest of the trip went uninterrupted. Convenient, easy to carry and use. Don't leave home without it - DEEP RELIEF.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Shoulder pain

ET has done several treatments and she was desperate for other ideas when the pain in the shoulder was unbearable that she could not lift her arm to wear her clothes. I keep hearing more and more such cases. I asked her a few questions and realized that the people who were treating here were just focusing on the problem area. I asked her if she knew of other issues that could have affected her. She wasn't sure and did not realize that her neck and shoulder had unbalanced strains on both sides. She started using some oils to relief tension on the neck and shoulder. She also use the Sportsease Massage oil and she felt the relieve after several days.

Thieves spray, mouth wash, oil to the rescue

Some people have asked what oils should they carry when they travel. There are many common oils that we should bring to assist our body to deal with viruses, unhygienic condition, unknown water quality. I would like to draw the recent example of a group of people who went to a remote place where the water quality is not safe for city folks even for brushing teeth. Someone in the group probably forgotten and did that and started to come down with sore throat and started coughing. Good thing the Thieves mouthwash was available and the person gargled it several times and 2 days later his sore throat condition improved significantly. When you have Thieves spray, use it in the situation like that. Spray the room or the enclosed space that the group is in. They also put drops of the Thieves oil in the water for washing the clothes. For sure, we won't want to get the itchy feeling or worry about germs from untreated water. The group proceeded with the tour without disruption. It is wise to be adequately prepared with the right items for travel.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quick recovery - inner defense

I had another incident over the weekend where I ate a few bites of an oyster omelet before realizing it had flour in it. Predictably the next day my whole body felt "off" and I think my immune system took a dip because I started to feel a cold coming on. Obviously I took Inner Defense and the following morning all signs of the cold (sore throat) were gone. Eliot May 29 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

After renovation or painting - get rid of the awful smell

Many people encounter the strong smell of paint and stinging of the eyes from the "glues/adhesive" of new cupboards. Today, I went to my friend's place and instinctively, I brought a bottle of the Young Living Citrus Fresh. When I entered the bedroom, my nose and eyes were being "attacked". It was really uncomfortable. After diffusing 20 drops of Citrus fresh in one hour, the room smell so much better. You can feel being more comfortable staying in the room. If you dont have citrus fresh, you can try other Young Living citrus oils like lemon, tangerine, orange.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Now belief it. And works wonderfully

I had been skeptical as to how the young living essential oils works. I have read testimonials and it all seemed too good to be true. I recently went off the pill about 6 months ago and my hormones went haywire. I started getting acne and cysts on my face. I had use many products that was costly but to no avail. I tried the Young Living lavender oil on the spots. It didn't sting as badly as most pimple creams and as it was oily, I didn't think it would work. However , 2 days later, the cysts went down and the skin started peeling gently! There was minimal scarring as well! I still can't believe it worked! Time to chuck out those pimple creams I had bought from the shops! Serene Chan May 23 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another healthy person

Derrick has been drinking Ningxia Red, taking Inner Defense and Omega Blue regularly. He told me yesterday that in the recent event, his children took turn to fall sick and also other members in the family were also affected. However, he was not affected. This is a another practical example how one can withstand the virus/bacteria that is going around in the family if he/she takes preventive healthcare and give the body the ability to work better against external agents.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

To the rescue - Inner Defense

As mentioned here's my experience using Inner Defense while on holiday in Cambodia two weeks ago.

I decided to take the Inner Defense capsules on an as-needed basis while on vacation; fortunately, I seemed to be pretty healthy for the entire trip until the second-to-last day when I ate some rotten pineapple.  I was outside, hungry and thirsty, and had just bought some pineapple from a food vendor.  I was so hungry that I ate the whole thing without thinking despite the horrible fermented taste at the bottom of one of the pieces.  I had no doubt that the thing was rotten and immediately regretted not spitting the fruit out.

Anyway that evening, a few hours later, I began to develop a slight sore throat.  At first I brushed this off and didn't pay it much attention.  But when I woke up in the middle of the night with the signs of a real sore throat developing, I decided it was time to take an Inner Defense capsule.  I took one, and then took another the following morning.  I continued to take one capsule probably every 6 hours, and within about 24 hours my sore throat was pretty much gone.  By 48 hours it was definitely completely gone.

Needless to say I was quite happy with how things turned out in this case.  Typically when I feel a sore throat coming on I know that I'm in for a week-long affair of annoying throat pain. But this experience was mild by comparison and was completely resolved in under 2 days

Apr 24 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Using oils to aid recovery of pulled tendon

It is already 18 days since I pulled the tendon in my left leg.

Most people experience sprained ankle but it is a different matter when the tendon shifted or you feel like something hitting the calf and exploding. Swelling in the calf was immediate and the pain was excruciating. The swelling in the ankle did not look so bad initially. However, if you walk around unaided, the swelling gets worst. A huge bruise below the ankle stretchs along the foot.

From general knowledge, we know that soft tissues (muscles, tendons or ligaments) are injured, they often become swollen and may possibly bleed internally. This swelling causes pain.

There were days that my foot was so swollen and I felt the pressure against the skin. In between treatments, I used various oils to reduce tension, minimize the pain and to reduce the inflammation. Panaway is designed to relieve muscle soreness and tension. It contains Helichrysum, Wintergreen, Clove, Peppermint. I also use the straight oils Wintergreen, Peppermint on many days. I used Helichrysum mostly on my shin that was in pain.

When I sat on my chair for hours, I noticed the swelling in the foot comes back and it is important to raise the foot up. Last night, my foot was still swollen (though not massive) after the bandage was removed. This time, I used Cypress and Helichrysum on the whole foot (except the sole) including the area 2 inches above the ankle.. When I got up this morning, I was so happy that the swelling had gone down.

The treatment this morning was a lot easier and when the physician pressed my foot and adjusted my ankle, there was substantially less pain. My calf is now so relaxed compared to the tension in the past days.

My experience with Ningxia Red

Here's a brief summary of some of the things I noticed and told you about this past weekend.
I work out regularly at the gym and keep detailed notes on my progress--how heavy of weights I'm using, how many repetitions, etc.  During the month of January I tried my first bottle of NingXia Red over the course of about 20 days.  Though I didn't make the association immediately, in retrospect I can clearly look back at my notes and see that I made considerable progress in terms of strength gains during January.
For instance, on one particular "multi-joint" exercise considered to be a good gauge of "overall strength," during the month of November I went from lifting 28 kg to 32 kg.  During the month of December I went from lifting 32 kg to 40 kg.  But in January I made the most gains, going from lifting 40 kg to 52 kg.
I stopped taking NingXia Red during February and much of March, and I could not surpass the 52 kg mark during those two months.  A few days after resuming NingXia Red at the end of March I suddenly felt as though I had much more energy at the gym, and within days I progressed to lifting 60 kg for the same exercise.
I noticed that during the months of February and March(1st half), when I was off the NingXia Red, I simply felt as though I had less energy and that it was more difficult to recover quickly between sessions at the gym.  I noticed an increase in food cravings, despite feeling as though my body didn't have the energy to process the food I craved to eat.  My complexion became poorer, and wound healing was slower.  It's possible (as we discussed) that I succumbed to some sort of bacterial infection that was adding extra stress to my body.  Throughout these two months I often reflected back to the amazing amount of energy and vitality I had in January and kept wondering "what was it?" that allowed me to progress so easily at the gym and, in general, simply feel so healthy.
Anyway, a few days after starting NingXia Red again at the end of March, not only did I notice more energy at the gym (allowing me to make the big jump from 52 kg to 60 kg), I also noticed improved quality of sleep.
Also, ever since then my food cravings have been gone.  My energy is back up.  My complexion is better.  And my recovery time at the gym is shorter.  I like to think that the NingXia Red gave my immune system the energy it needed to finally shake off a stubborn bacterial infection.
Either way, in summary, here's what I've found now on two occasions taking NingXia Red:
1. Increased energy
2. Quicker recovery times at the gym
3. Greatly improved progress at the gym
4. Better sleep
5. Less overall stress
6. Eliminated food cravings
7. Faster wound healing / stronger immune system

April 2nd 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Big foot in town - swelling and pain

Four years ago, when I pulled the tendon in my right leg, I was in such pain that I could not sleep and also fear of what was happening to my leg. That was when I twisted my ankle and at the same time pulled the tendon, the right calf was swollen and hard.

This time I pulled the tendon in my left leg and I had the Wintergreen oil with me when it happened and pour it over my left calf and also ankle, and managed to drive home.

It was wednesday nite and I could only get appointment to see the person who is good at treating this kind of condition on Friday. In the meantime, I used various oils on my leg and still could sleep well. First thing came to my mind, wintergreen, peppermint, balsam fir, panaway. I also used the orthoease massage oil. The bruise at my ankle started to appear and I used Lavender. The dark patch is there but it isn't that painful even if I pressed on it.

Anyway, my left leg was in a condition that the person could adjust the tendon back and was feeling quite good. On Monday night I aggravated the condition when I had to go out to attend to something and I knew it was bad when I could feel the tension and pain when I walked the stairs in a wrong way. My foot became swollen like a hippo or elephant the next day. The tension and swelling against the skin was scary. I searched the raindrop set and used several oils and went to bed Tuesday nite, Wednesday morning, the swelling has come down a lot. My calf and ankle feels softer again. I continued to use PanAway, deep relief, Basil and at times Balsam Fir and Lavender.

Naturally, this type of injury takes time for full recovery. I also realized, when you have difficulty walking and the improper leaning of the body will eventually cause pain to your knee. It is important to release the tension underneath the thigh also.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Young Living diffuser - good uninterrupted sleep

Siew Hwa got her new "toy" - Young Living ultrasonic diffuser on Tuesday night. I showed her how to use it and diffused the YL Lavendar oil. Wednesday morning, she sms that she had a good nite of sleep all the way to 5:30am.

The diffuser releases the oil vapors every 30 seconds and this will help people get infused with the therapeutic oils over a longer period. This also applies to people who need to take care of their babies. If a baby already afflicted with viruses, it is sensible to diffuse oils that are beneficial over a longer period.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sulfurzyme - Good for knee/joint pain

Lawrence Yeap just told me today that his mother (remember the oct 2010 blog about high blood sugar) has started taking the Sulfurzyme capsules last month and she can feel less discomfort in her knees. She used to get very warm feeling around the knees and now feels normal. Also she feels more energetic. Yes, sulfurzyme has powdered Ningxia Red with the good nutrients and MSM.

Sulfurzyme is good for the active sports person and also aged persons. Wonderful, isn't it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sulfurzyme - maybe you can feel it too.

Daniel Kang responded to my email about my golf game and commented that he experienced greater flexibility and suppleness in his Tai Chi: "everybody flying off around me...". Daniel is highly trained in one form of qi gong where persons in direct contact can feel the energy and even can repel a person. He says he feel good flexibility, improved stamina, feeling light and quick on the move. He credits the Sulfurzyme.  Young Living's sulfurzyme with the natural sulphur, MSM, powdered Ningxia wolfberries is said to be good for joints, hair growth and now we learn - flexibility and stamina too.

See the demo

Calm and focused

I had a great golf game 2 Sundays ago. I applied Ylang Ylang oil on my chest before the game. It was an amazing start with a nice tee off which my flight mates described as having a ball flight like a rocket.

I had a pretty good game with nice tee offs and some good iron shots. My flight mates usually expect me to be still half asleep in the front six in the morning game but they were surprised that I was putting up a good fight in the whole game. Even I was pretty surprised myself. Somehow, I felt less distracted. At the 13th hole, Navy (4th hole). I had such a great T shot with only  110 metres to the green. The iron shot landed on the green and spun to the left. I had a magical up and down over steep slope and big break with the ball ending just 4 ft to the pin. Putted in for a par. It was so amazing. Golfers can understand this feeling and I am sure it works for other sports too.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hot flushes - no more!

Many women who are dealing with issues of hot flushes would be glad to learn that Siew Hwa has seen these symptoms disappear.  This is wonderful. She drinks Ningxia Red regularly and is using several oils. Body discomforts associated with it are also lesser. Looks like the effort is paying off nicely with better sense of well being.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Resilience with Inner Defense

EK spoke to me 2 days ago. He has taken Inner Defense capsules that helps to boost his body's immunity. He said that when his family came back from holiday, his three kids fell sick. He was surprised that he was not affected. This is indeed remarkable since he is the only person that has been taking Inner Defense.

Another wonderful example how we can manage our health with the right product.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pain in the palm is gone - Hurray

On Jan 23rd night, I got a call from Siew Hwa who told me that the pain in the palm has disappeared. Right below the ring finger near the life line is a bony thing that used to be painful when she presses on it. Some people suspect that to be a type of bone spur. She has been applying a few Young Living oils (a few oils from the Raindrop set) and also applying peppermint and lavender oils on her daughter, and it came as a surprise that she felt that the area no longer had the pain.

Today, I have the opportunity to confirm and press on it. Hurray! She was smiling when she said there is no pain.

Rinnie also showed me the location between two fingers that used to be a small bump and was painful. Now, that bump is gone. She could not pin down to which oils but for sure she has applied several of the oils from the Raindrop set, Peace & calming.

What we see are the effects of therapeutic grade essential oils from Young Living - works in amazing ways.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bleeding gums

I know how awful it smells if you have bleeding gums. Besides using the Thieves Mouth Wash to gargle, I also found that applying drops of Melrose oil on the toothpaste and then you brush your teeth, you will feel your mouth smells great and also the teeth feel squeaky clean.

If you munch nuts or seeds during the festive season, you may also get blister like condition on your tongue. Dripping the Melrose oil directly onto the spot and within minutes, you can feel the pain and discomfort reduced. Also, ulcer does not develop which typically happens.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Melrose to the rescue

Felicia spoke to me on Tuesday morning that her father had some kind of gum related problem. There was searing pain in his mouth. First thing that came to my mind was Melrose. Fortunately, I could get hold of a bottle of Melrose in the afternoon and was going to her area later that day. Thursday morning, she called me and told me that her father felt a lot better after applying the oil on his face and also used it together with the toothpaste when he brushed his teeth. Now he can open his mouth wider which was very difficult in the past week.

Thieves Mouth Wash - Breath Freshener

Young Living's mouth wash is gentle on your gums and it is formulated with 100% pure therapeutic grade essentials oils.. If you have tendency to get sore throat because of keeping late nights, this will be helpful. Larren used it a couple of times and found the taste pleasant and liked the nice sensation after the gargle. Very nice breath freshener indeed. It may look like a small bottle. All you need is just half a cap to 1 cap and gargle undiluted. It is gentle on the gums.